Calling all Silent Auction Quilts:

As most of you know the Silent Auction is an important part of our annual show.  Not only do you get to put your quilts on display and for sale, the proceeds benefit NSQG.  So I hope many of you plan to participate.  If you do, here is some info that might be helpful: Quilts need to be approximately 25”x25” and all quilts must have a label.  It can be as simple as your name, the year and if you choose, NSQG Silent Auction.  Since many of these quilts will be wall hangings it would be helpful, especially to non-quilting bidders, if they had a sleeve.
Last year the Silent Auction table was a bit “remote”.  That issue has been addressed and they will be in a much more prominent setting.
Patricia Loquest is available at the meetings, by phone or email should you have any questions or comments.