Meeting+Lecture-Lesley Riley

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Business meeting generally starts at 6pm, arrive earlier for sign-in, refreshments and socializing, with any lecture generally at 7pm.
Guests are always welcome, there is a guest fee, $10, which can be credited toward membership – click HERE for more information.

Our Hospitality team provides coffee and tea along with some cookies at guild meetings.
Please bring your own mug or water bottle.
Member contributions of home-baked treats or other simple snacks are always welcome!

Challenge Dropoff

Remember to bring your Challenge masterpiece for our April display.

19 March 2025


Long and Winding Road:  Journey of a Quilt Maker

Lesley Riley never intended to be a full-time, professional artist. She just followed her passion in the small blocks of time she carved out while raising six children. Now, as an internationally known instructor and multimedia artist, Lesley works in botanical printing, mixed and digital media, paint and of course, fabric. In 1999 she turned her initial passion for fabric, photos, color and the written word into a dream occu-passion that continues to delight and inspire creatives and art lovers everywhere. A quilter since 1971, Lesley has an extensive background in using color and pattern to create innovative art quilts, fabric collage and modern botanical prints.

Lesley has written several books and articles and has been a guest on several episodes of Quilting Arts TV, profiled on The Quilt Show and is an educator for Golden Artist Colors. Her line of botanical inspired fabric was licensed with Northcott Fabrics. As a sought-after workshop instructor, Lesley’s focuses on motivating, inspiring and empowering her students to take their creative life into their own hands, while encouraging her students to take risks, think outside the box and break rules. Her emphasis is on understanding composition and using techniques and materials to discover and enhance the maker’s own creativity and unique voice.

Creativity abounds in an empty nest she shares with her high-school sweetheart husband on a mountaintop in Cascade, MD. You’ll find Lesley in her indoor and outdoor studio from sunup to sundown unless, of course, any of her 17 grandchildren come to visit.

Visit Lesley’s website to learn more about her artwork:  Lesley Riley
Pinterest:  /lesleyriley
Facebook:  /Lesley.Riley.Art
Instagram:  @lrileyart (share your photos with the tag #tapwithlesley)

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