Despite several unexpected “technical” difficulties, we had a wonderful start to our new guild season. It was good to see new faces and to welcome back the “old” ones. We had 76 folks sign in and perhaps missed a few of you. (By the way, the fee for guest visitors was raised to $15 in case you missed that announcement.) Also, if you haven’t yet renewed or have a photo or update for the directory, please do so NOW! You can go online or contact Joanne Visovsky.

We’re always inspired by the many and varied talents revealed at Show and Tell! Be brave! Bring something to share and put your name on the Show and Tell clipboard near the sign in sheets as you enter the cafeteria. If we have a long agenda, we may have to limit you to one item, but we love seeing it ALL.

Bring any scissors/shears you want sharpened to the October meeting. Use masking tape to label each pair with your name or initials. Do not place scissors/ shears in any type of bag, container or holster.
Price: $8 for either large or small

There will be a new regular feature at our monthly meetings called “The Doctor Is In”.  Nancy Mirman will be at one of the tables and you can bring any quilting question to her for help – from how to make a quilt lie flat to how to go from a picture to a quilt.  Nancy has been a member of the Guild since 1985 and taught quilting at The Country Quilter for almost 20 years.

We have many upcoming events.  Remember information about all our activities is available on our website pages.

  • At our October meeting we’ll have the Comfort Quilts “Summer Challenge” Raffle.  Members of CQ will be displaying finished quilts for all to see and take a chance on.
  • April Russell is overseeing the Guild Challenge of “Card Tricks”.
  • Linda Stern and Annette Nash Govan are organizing Super Saturday, February 18, at Ossining High School.
  • Linda Finnegan and Rosemary DePaola are running the Ugly Fabric collection and auction for the March meeting. Start bringing in your “ugly” fabric now, quarter yard minimum.
  • April Russell is overseeing the Guild Challenge of “Card Tricks”.
  • We (your co-presidents) are organizing a quilting retreat at Mariandale Retreat Center the first weekend in February, Friday the 3rd thru Sunday the 5th. There will be a minimum of 10 and right now a maximum of 15 participants (with a waiting list if more spots become available). The cost is $230 prepaid which includes meals from dinner Friday evening through lunch on Sunday. Sign up details will follow.

Wouldn’t you like to be in charge of something where all the work is done?!? If you noticed, all five previously mentioned activities are up and running. It would be great to have ONE (or 2) member(s) to oversee these guild activities. Of course we wouldn’t limit you from creating and/or introducing even more fun ideas. Volunteers welcome!

Looking forward to seeing you October 19 at Kennedy Catholic if not before.

Margaret Cibulsky and Jody Sullivan, co-presidents