Our line up for our Fall programs are as follows:

September 20, 2016 Pat Harrison will be doing her lecture QUILT AS DESIRED.
September 21, 2016  EASY PEASY CIRCLES, as was shown at the last meeting.
Don’t forget to bring in your featherweights for her husband to work on.

October 18, 2016, Michele Kincaid will be lecturing on METAMORPHOSIS, her October 19, 2016 workshop will be EXTREME TEXTURE.

November 15, 2016 Mickey Lawler will lecture on CREATING YOUR OWN FABRIC.
November 16, 2016, her workshop will be PLAYING WITH PAINTS.

All workshops are at Vista Firehouse.  The hours are from 9am to 4pm.  While the workshops have been low in attendance, the comments from participants have been very enthusiastic.  Check your calendars and plan on joining the fun.