We had a successful and lively in-person meeting in March and were excited to see so many smiling faces. The Show and Tell aspect seems to be a real hit… and quite inspiring, too.  Obviously many of you have been using your time creatively and productively.  We look forward to our next meeting on Wednesday April 6 at 6:00.

Leading up to that gathering is a two day workshop with Heidi Parkes where she’ll be guiding us in creating framed quilts.  The workshop will be held in our new venue for workshops, the Millwood Fire Company#1, from 9-4 on both Tuesday 4/5 and Wednesday 4/6.

Thanks to Lisa and the quilt show committee, A World of Quilts is well underway with planning and preparations.  Please do your part and sign up to volunteer in some capacity.  Check the website to see where you’re needed.  Remember that a two hour shift gives you a free day pass to the show but of course we hope you’ll do more!

Membership will be voting in May on the proposed slate of elected officers for 2022-2023:
– Co-President Margaret Cibulsky
– Co-President Jody Sullivan
– Secretary Fran Jacobson
– Treasurer Amanda Curley
– Programs Kathy Tuttle
– Membership Joanne Visovsky
– Communications Anne MacDonald
– Quilt Show Lisa Alfonzetti

We’re still looking for someone (or several of you) to fill the position of Activities Liaison so that fun things continue to happen (member sponsored meetings, ugly fabric, Super Saturday, trips, games, etc).  Please consider stepping up to help.  This is meant to be a shared position with shared responsibilities.

On another note, our June Salad Supper at Kennedy will be held June 15th NOT June 22nd so be sure to redo your calendar if need be.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Jody and Margaret
Contact president@northernstarquilters.com