Happy New Year to all!  This weather sure is conducive to cuddling up under a nice warm quilt or staying inside to sew.  Quilt registration for a World of Quilts XXXIX opens in just a few weeks and I hope you have been busy working on your entries.  Don’t forget, your quilt does not have to be finished to register it – it only needs to be done by quilt drop off on April 28.  Also you don’t have to register all of your quilts at one time.  So, please if you have a quilt that is ready to be register, do it sooner than later.  It would be a big help to the Registrar to get the entries in early.  She only has about a week after registration closes to get the final list together so she can mail out quilt numbers.  By registering early she can check your entry immediately and avoid having to process so many quilts at the end.

We will be starting the nominating process for the 2018-2019 Board.  Click  here to find the list of positions with brief descriptions. Being on the Board is quite rewarding.  It is a good way to give back to the Guild, meet members, and see what the Guild does.  I encourage you to consider serving.

If you are interested in serving on the Board or would like more information about any position, let me know.

Susan Fasnacht, President