Valentine Heart by Barbara Powers – Inspired by a CQ pattern

Despite the cold weather outside…  brrr… there are lots of opportunities to stay warm at home while working on our quilting skills this month.

After the wonderful demos from the Quilting Basket and Debby Brown at the last Guild meeting, we are excited to see another lecture demonstration on February 16.  Lisa, owner of Pins and Needles in Mount Kisco, will be demonstrating how to ensure accuracy in our quilting projects. Lisa is an experienced teacher and a long-time supporter of our Guild and we warmly welcome her to our meeting.

The additional special workshops have been a great success.  Mary Cannizzaro explained the basic steps in making a T-shirt quilt while introducing more creative ways to use the logos in a variety of designs.

In our most recent member tutorial, Meg Mooar introduced us to boro stitching and interweaved demonstrations with a history of the craft.    In February, Roni Gerhardt will show us how to make a casserole carrier, Susan Fasnacht will be demonstrating how to sew a reusable bag and Patricia Loquet will be exploring quilting as you go.

The online SIGs have already had their first meetings and are offering the opportunity to get together and learn and share a variety of different quilting techniques and projects.

At this month’s Guild meeting, April will be presenting the quilts in the 2020 Challenge, “What’s Your Vision,” and we will have the opportunity to vote on them.  It will be a wonderful opportunity to see the Guild talent on display.

Due to the pandemic and the difficulty of collecting the quilts, the 2021 Quilt Challenge deadline is being extended to 2022.  So, for those of you who want to take part but didn’t get a chance to complete a Challenge Quilt, there is still time!!   February is the perfect month to start that “Put a Heart on It” quilt!!

We have excellent news from ArtsWestchester. Be sure to read Susan’s report in the Latest News section.  We are very grateful to ArtsWestchester for supporting our programs and workshops and our thanks also goes to Susan Fasnacht, who has been the driving force in all facets of the application process for the grants we have received.

Over the last year we have been moved by Guild members, both on and off the Board, stepping forward to donate their time and share their talent and quilts to help keep us connected to each other. They have demonstrated that as members of the Guild we are part of an active and vibrant fellowship. In turn, the vitality of our Guild allows us to forge connections with a larger quilting and artistic community around the US and the world.

This May, as it does every year, you will choose a new Board to guide us through the next guild year.  Our first priority now is to find a President or co-Presidents.  Some of you may be reluctant to propose yourselves because you believe you are too inexperienced in the Guild to take on a leadership role compared with more seasoned members, or are nervous about taking on the responsibility.  Please do not dismiss the possibility of serving as President out of hand because of these concerns.  As you have seen this year, so many members are willing to help and support the Guild and there are plenty of experienced members who have devoted time to the Guild in the past who are prepared to offer guidance.  Give it some thought.  Chat with a friend.  Give us a call and chat with us.  The Guild relies upon people willing to take the plunge for a community which is important to them.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Guild meeting.
Stay warm and safe.

Karen and Anne
February 2021