Happy Spring everyone!

We hope that you all have the opportunity to read the rest of the Newsletter and see the nominees for the positions of officers to the Board for the 2020-2021 year.  We think you will agree that this is a terrific slate of candidates and we thank them all for stepping forward to serve the Guild.  All these candidates will be presented at the upcoming Guild Meeting on April 20th and will be voted on in May.  We would also like to thank Pooa Bloomberg, Anne MacDonald, Carol Sterk and Jody Sullivan who served on the Nominating Committee and who did such a wonderful job of reaching out to the membership over the last three months.

In addition to the presentation of the Board candidates at the April meeting, Dee Plouffe will be conducting the Raffle drawing for the beautiful “Painted Prism” quilt, coordinated by Daisy Dodge and Debby Warren and quilted by Angela Vertucci, and for the Bernina sewing machine, donated by Lisa Alfonzetti at Pins and Needles.  Thank you to all of you who bought tickets – there has been a wonderful response.  As you know, the proceeds will go to SHORE/ICARE, a Westchester organization that builds and renovates homes to provide permanent housing for homeless families..

Don’t forget to put Saturday, May 1, on your calendars for the Spring Fling at the North Salem Ambulance Corps.  You can register and read more details further on in the Newsletter.  There will be a number of activities and, in addition to catching up with quilting friends, this is a great opportunity for us all to see the quilts that you have been working on over the winter.  If you have a quilt that you would like to show, please bring it to display while you are at the event.  We are also hoping to see samples of the work created in one or two of the online SIG’s.  Watch for further emails!
Please contact us at president@northernstarquilters.com if you have any questions.

Thank you to Nanette LaVerdiere who held a pop-up workshop on making an adorable armchair pincushion.  For those of you who missed the workshop, you can find the recording HERE. Coming up in April, Susan Deshenksy will demonstrate how to make a Book Pillow and Linda Stern will be showing us creative ways of labeling our quilts.

This month’s lecture is by David Owen Hastings.  David, who is a quilter, graphic designer and textile artist will be showing his process of creating simple graphic quilting patterns and providing examples of translating architectural photos into quilt designs, opening up new ways of looking at the world around us to find inspiration.

We often hear from you about interesting online exhibitions and articles which we share on our website and include in the Newsletter’s Member Notes and Links of Interest below.  Keep those coming!

Hope to see you at the Spring Fling!
Karen and Anne