We hope that you all enjoyed your holidays and send warm wishes for a happy, healthy, and creative New Year.  Additionally, some frigid weather has come our way and we hope that you are able to stay warm … working on a quilt or cuddling under one are both good ways to accomplish that!

It was wonderful seeing many of you at our December holiday meeting.

Don’t forget that our next two meetings will be on zoom:  January 18 and February 15.  You can log on at 5:45 to “socialize” before the business meeting which will start at 6:00 followed by a lecture.  You will receive login information ahead of each meeting by email.  While we won’t have our traditional Show and Tell, there may be time to highlight a few of you between the meeting and the lecture.  So keep your work nearby if you wish to share.

Check our Latest News below and our website and mark your calendars for the upcoming speakers and workshops scheduled.

Our nominating committee is formed and will be reaching out to members soon to fill elected positions for 2023-2024.  We are thrilled that a few of you have already volunteered for some positions.  We will be looking for candidates for President, Programs and Communications.  We know you care about the future of our guild so please consider saying YES when you are asked.  Grab a friend and work as a team … it’s definitely worked for us!

The World of Quilts XLII will be here before you know it.  Quilt Registration runs mid-January through March.  All details are on our website.

There’s still time to register for Super Saturday on February from 9am-3pm.  Check our website for more information.

Margaret and Jody

Margaret Cibulsky and Jody Sullivan, president@northernstarquilters.com

Two pics from Ukraine orphanage where our last shipment of quilts went (seen on beds) as well as knitted “peace pocket pals”. Please do not publicize elsewhere. Jody